Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Wait. I changed my mind about the tracker. Cause then that's all I do is look at it. Like watching a bird feeder. Or an aquarium. Or even an ant hill. You know what I'm talking about. That feeling you get, when you get lulled into something that changes slowly. Like a clock.

Plus, that would defeat the whole purpose of being on here and not myspace. There's a freedom that comes when you have no idea how many people see what you wrote. Even on a bad day when I'm all alone, I still want to be happy with my blog. You know? You know the feeling when nobody comes to read? And you're standing there, stranded, all alone, like a cow with rabies who can't find it's way back to the barn?

I made me a title thing tonight. I was going for the whole ransom note/kidnapper's message look.

Also I have 2 people mad at me right now, which is the average number. It would have been 3, but my older sister called yesterday and apologized profusely for her boorish behavior. If you hold out long enough, they'll come around.

I have 3 tacos in my belly. I'm wearing a little blue t-shirt with a picture of a hotdog, a fortune cookie, and a chinese to-go box on it. A towel on my head to keep the deep-conditioning olive oil from dripping everywhere, dollar store boxers, and bright red toenails.

(Just so you could get a good feel of me.)